Investing in the people and institutions who share biodiversity knowledge for Africa
Featured Grantees
Freshwater Research Centre | African Freshwater Biodiversity Information System
FBIS-Africa: A Freshwater Biodiversity System for Africa
Dambari Wildlife Trust and Natural History Museums of Zimbabwe and Mozambique (2025)
Somabhula Grassland Biodiversity Surveys and Capacity-building for Mozambique and Zimbabwe
Freshwater Research Centre | Capacity Buillding for Water Policy Managers (2025)
Policy Implementation for Water Resources and Biodiversity Protection through Capacity Building of Water Managers
Association for Water and Rural Development (AWARD) 2025
Biodiversity Systems Management and Analytics for the Restoration of Transboundary Rivers of South Africa, Mozambique and Eswatini (BIO-SMART Phase 2)
Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (2024)
Developing National Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) Assessment Protocol and Evaluating the Status of a Pilot Legacy KBA
National Museums of Kenya (2024)
Illuminating Understudied Caves to Highlight Plant Pollination and Seed Dispersal Services by Bats
Rhodes University, Centre for Biological Control (2023)
Protecting 30x30 Gains Through Integrated Control of Prosopis and Cactus Invasions in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa
WildTrack & Tswalu Foundation and Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation (2023)
Novel Biodiversity Metric: Small Mammal Track Analysis using AI, Morphometrics and Traditional and Local Ecological Knowledge (TaLEK)
Namibian Nature Foundation (2023)
Incorporating Succulent Plant and Animal Species Information into Conservation Planning
UCLA Center for Tropical Research & Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2023)
Advancing Environmental DNA Research Capacity in Rwanda to Inform Conservation Decisions
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (2023)
Support for the Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Chari-Logone sub-Basin.
International Crane Foundation- Zambia (2023)
Designing and Implementing a Wetland Information System for the Kafue Flats Wetlands, Zambia
Increase Knowledge, Awareness and Data Accessibility for Bee and Dipteran Pollinators, their Forage Plant Species to Support Conservation of Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Cameroon
Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic (2023)
Cross-sectoral Household and Critical Biodiversity Surveys in Riparian South Kivu and Tanganyika Provinces
Wildlife Conservation Society (2023)
Freshwater Biodiversity Data Collection System (FBDC) for Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Northeast Protected Area Complex (NPAC) in the Central African Republic
Namibian Chamber of Environment (2023)
Better Information for Better Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Namibian Near-endemic Plants
University of Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar (UNAD) & SOS SAHEL Senegal (2023)
Niokolo-Koba National Park Buffer Zone Biodiversity Survey
Endangered Wildlife Trust (2023)
Developing a 30-by-30 Landscape Planning Tool for South Africa that Balances the Need for Conservation, Agriculture, and Renewable Energy
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (2023)
Design of a Parataxonomists Training Program at Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
Research Unit of Tropical Mycology and Soil-Plant Fungi Interactions, University of Parakou (2022)
Data Mobilization and Long Term Conservation of Wild Fungi (WEF) in Benin
National Herbarium of Benin (2022)
Mobilizing data for Identification, Taxonomy, Socioeconomic Importance and Conservation Assessment of Bryophytes in Benin
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2022)
Enhancing Data Access to Transform Guinea’s Capacity to Identify and Protect its Threatened Plants
The East African Wildlife Society (2022)
Unlocking Biodiversity Data to Facilitate Designation of Lake Ol Bolossat as a 7th Ramsar Site in Kenya
Dambari Wildlife Trust & Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe (2022)
Zimbabwe Herpetofauna Data: Mobilizing Data for Mapping Biodiversity Distribution, for Climate Change and Conservation Strategies
Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (2021)
Biodiversity data collection and training conservationists in East and West Usambaras, Tanzania
Threatened Species Conservation Alliance (2021)
Reinforcing the capacity for conservation science and planning for young West African conservationists
Freshwater Research Centre (2020)
Demand-driven, high impact, expansion of the Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) for freshwater decision-making in South Africa
South African National Biodiversity Institute (2020)
South Africa Biodiversity Data Pipeline for Wetlands and Waterbirds (BIRDIE)
Southern Africa Development Community – Groundwater Management Institute (2020)
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) and Biodiversity in the Khakea/Bray Transboundary Aquifer